01. Aureal3 - K'atil light, the Nocturnal Jungle [05:00] 02. Aureal3 - Lex Lu'um, the Starry Rhythm [05:00] 03. Aureal3 - U Nebulous Kiin, the Cosmic Roar [03:45] 04. Aureal3 - K'iinil selvatic, Symphony of Saturn [05:00] 05. Aureal3 - Yuum x, the Echo of Wild Planets [05:00] 06. Aureal3 - Xpac Lu'um, the Serenade of Green Galaxies [04:51] 07. Aureal3 - U Space Xibal, the Mystery of Planton [05:40] 08. Aureal3 - Balam Nebula, the Dawn Among Trees and Star [04:56]