001 Why those Kubernetes-deployment methods (32.6 MB) 002 Kubernetes deployment on AWS using kops (91.85 MB) 003 Kubernetes deployment on AWS using EKS (32.74 MB) 004 Kubernetes deploynent on AWS using kubeadm (1) - Packer (88.76 MB) 005 Kubernetes deployment on AWS using kubeadm (2) - Terraform (81.79 MB) 006 Which Kubernetes deployment-method is the best (69.66 MB) 001 What are we going to build (17.84 MB) 002 App-provisioning on Kubernetes using Kustomize (71.06 MB) 003 App-provisioning on Kubernetes using Helm (113.37 MB) 004 BlueGreen deployments (AB testing) using Helm (extra lecture) (71.35 MB) 005 Introduction to Kubernetes Operators (90.61 MB) 006 What is Kudo Operator Builder (99.61 MB) 007 Provisioning MySQL on Kubernetes using Kudo operator builder (66.76 MB) 008 Build your own Kudo operator (managing Nginx day-2 operations) (64.37 MB) 009 Section conclusion (24.93 MB) 001 Exploring our sample microservices application (the Weather App) (85.81 MB) 002 Provisioning the weather App using docker-compose (extra lecture) (46.66 MB) 003 Provisioning the Weather App using Helm to Kubernetes (101 MB) 001 What is CICD (118.53 MB) 002 Setting up a CICD user for EKS and non-EKS Kubernetes clusters (75.22 MB) 003 Setting up a GitLab repository (40.99 MB) 004 Preparing the GitLab CICD pipeline (62.67 MB) 005 GitLab CI stage 1 Build and Push (56.09 MB) 006 GitLab CI stage 2 Delivery to staging environments (41.56 MB) 007 GitLab CI stage 3 Deployment to production environment (67.47 MB) 001 Using EBS snapshots for Kubernetes disaster recovery (121.25 MB) 002 Introducing Velero as a Kubernetes disaster recovery tool (25.93 MB) 003 Using Velero to restore data to the same Kubernetes cluster (31.55 MB) 004 Using Velero to clone a Kubernetes cluster (aka data migration) (36.34 MB)