German Language B1 - Intermediate German
German Language B1 - Intermediate German
Updated 12/2022
Genre: eLearning | MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 48.0 KHz
Language: English | Size: 11.7 GB | Duration: 99 lectures • 14h 59m

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Joshua Lisec – HYPNO WRITING BUNDLE 2024 – The Best Way to Copywrite It + Train Ride to Greatness
Free Download Joshua Lisec – HYPNO WRITING BUNDLE 2024 – The Best Way to Copywrite It + Train Ride to Greatness Download File Links
This Hypno Writing Bundle Includes!
-The Best Way To Copywrite It
-The Best Way To Structure It
-Train Ride to Greatness HYPNOSIS
A typical copywriter costs anywhere from $500 flat to $500 an hour.
If they're charging so much, they must be experts, right?
All you have to do is pay the money, wait a bit, then you're on your way to piles of cash!
Except that person you paid $500 to is no more sure of what will work than you are. Making their bank account go up doesn't fix your problem.
In other words, before you spend scarce dollars on something that may not work, what if you skip the "hire a copywriter" step?
It's time for your customers to know in their gut that they want what you're selling.
You don't debate and you don't manipulate.
You tell the truth about your product, and you tell it in a way that makes the customer feel it in their bones.
Learn how these techniques helped a small business earn nearly $2 million on crowdfunding.

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Josh Aharonoff – Accounting Made Easy Download 2024
Free Download Josh Aharonoff – Accounting Made Easy Download File Links


Learn the most important equation in Accounting
This equation forms the basis for understanding financial transactions.
With clear explanations and practical examples, you'll gain a deep understanding of how these elements interact and impact financial statements.

Get clarity with Accounting Fundamentals
Struggling with the fundamentals?​
From financial statements to the Accounting Equation, Debits & Credits, and Cash vs. Accrual methods, I break it all down with clear examples so you gain confidence in accounting.
Build a strong foundation for your Finance & Accounting journey

Walk through the World of Accounting Roles
There's so much under the Accounting umbrella – roles, key concepts, departments, etc. Gain a comprehensive understanding of this global discipline.
Navigate financial reporting, auditing, taxation, and management accounting as you unlock the secrets of the Accounting

Build strong Foundations to becoming an Accountant
Lay the groundwork for your journey to becoming a successful accountant.
Explore accounting degrees, licenses, certifications, and designations. Choose the right educational path, understand professional requirements, and gain the knowledge to excel in the field

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Jessie van Breugel – LinkedIn Growth System Download 2024
Free Download Jessie van Breugel – LinkedIn Growth System Download File Links

I charge $199 for an hour of my time.
Rather than buying my time, my clients pay for the value of the end product: a powerful personal brand that generates high-quality leads for their online business.
This video course walks through a tried and tested process to create valuable content that addresses the pain points of your target audience, builds a powerful network, and attracts high-quality opportunities.
All to reach your end goal: attract your ideal client.
Follow this blueprint for 100 days, and you transform your LinkedIn profile into a lead-generating asset.

This 2.5-hour video course teaches you how to:
  • Remove the self-doubt that tells you you're not good enough.
  • Grow a unique and powerful personal brand.
  • Define your direction and figure out your niche.
  • Optimize your profile to attract your ideal audience and clients
  • Create content that converts visitors into engaged leads.
  • Make sure that you're connected with relevant creators
  • Get better at networking than 99% of the users on LinkedIn.
  • Utilize your time on LinkedIn as efficiently as possible.
  • Benefit from the audience of the creators you're connected with.
  • Convert your followers into raving fans using an email list

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Gina Horkey – Fully Booked VA Download 2024
Free Download Gina Horkey – Fully Booked VA Download File Links


Learn how to set doable, inspiring business goals to keep you focused on the path to landing your first client (or 3!) and earning an income on your own terms.
Plus, we'll show you how to select 5 options for services you can confidently start offering to clients, based on what you love, are already good at or are willing to learn (because you don't have to be perfect to start getting paid).
Bonus Resource: Hourly Rate Calculator to set an initial price for your services that you feel good about — so you can start replacing your current salary or hit your first income goal FAST!

Learn the 7 ways you can source potential clients and a step-by-step process to connect with them. even if you worry that you don't have a big network or you don't know anyone who could hire you.
All the scripts and real-life examples you need to nail it are included! Plus, see actual exchanges I've had with potential clients, and templates you can use to pitch and talk to potential clients in a way that sells your services. without being awkward, pushy or weird.
Bonus Resource: The #FBVA Pitching Challenge to get you into action and out of overthinking.

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George Vlasyev – How I Built a $140,000+ Drop Servicing Custom Art Business Download
Free Download George Vlasyev – How I Built a $140,000+ Drop Servicing Custom Art Business Download File Links
In this complete step by step course you will learn how I built a $140,000+ drop servicing custom art business. You will learn how the business is set up from the inside and everything I did to scale and then sell the business.

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George Ten – CopyThinking Community + The Copy Matrix Download 2024
Free Download George Ten – CopyThinking Community + The Copy Matrix 2024 Download File Links
The Copy Matrix is a video course that you can finish in a single weekend. You'll also get a working-PDF with all the same information that's in the videos.
Here's a glimpse of what's inside.

• Why awareness levels are the key to making any copy work (this is how you scale businesses)
[ b]• How to decide on an awareness level to target and what to write in order to get the sale (get this wrong and you're toast)[/b]
• The sneaky way to get more sales for a new business by NOT competing (you can do this once you fully understand awareness levels and how to pick them) • Each market has one awareness level. Right? Wrong! You can pick the awareness level you'd be targeting. And there is a specific equation to know which one to pick (get this and you're already light years ahead)
• The silly mistake 90% of advertisers make that THEY THINK will get them more money (but actually makes their ads flop).
Let's stop here for a second. Do you understand that this one skill will allow you to scroll through Instagram. And understand exactly what the advertisers are doing wrong. But also. Have full clarity of how to fix what they're doing wrong AND/or scale their business. Yeah. You'll also:
• Understand once and for all why it's a bad idea to use templates and formulas to write copy (unless you want it to suck)
• Know what to write at each awareness level in order to convert buyers. This also works for cold DMs and cold emails (Yeah. Most cold emails are done WRONG)

• See REAL ads that are running RIGHT NOW where I'll tell you exactly which awareness levels each ad targets so you can learn the UP-TO-DATE techniques • If you watch module #3 you'll see how to connect the ad's (or any type of content's) awareness level to the sales page's awareness level correctly
• In the same module you'll also understand how different-awareness ads can lead to the same sales page (scaling with ONE sales page)
• Learn the most important element in "snatching" your competitor's prospects — by targeting high-awareness people who and are ready to buy (with an example from Twitter)
You could mistake this information to be the same as in the book Breakthrough Advertising by Eugene Schwartz. But it's NOT. Eugene wrote the book when there were no elaborate funnels. No intent-based targeting. Only one-page magazine ads. CONTEXT matters. And you won't get it reading the book. Here's what else you'll learn in the Copy Matrix:
• Understand the 5 sophistication levels of any market (and why we will never write copy in the first two and the last one).
• A better-than-forum-doom-scrolling technique to determine your market's sophistication level simply by looking at 3-5 competitors
• Are you confused about the difference between awareness and sophistication levels? No more after watching module #5
• Why you can NOT choose your market's sophistication level (unlike awareness levels) and how you'll get a few sales but will never be able to scale if you do
• 99% of the marketers who THINK they understand sophistication levels – actually don't (Module #6 will put you in the 1%)
The truth about why most OG copywriters (THINK David Oglivy & Gary Halbert) wrote ads in high sophistication levels — and why you are making a HUGE mistake if you try to model them. But that's not all. You're also getting 3 uber-cool bonuses:

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George Hutton – Secret Agent Persuasion Download 2024
Free Download George Hutton – Secret Agent Persuasion Download File Links

Secret Agent Persuasion

Put Your Ideas So Deeply Into Their Mind They'll Unthinkingly Act On Them And Never Suspect A Thing

Conscious Training
You get a comprehensive manual, filled with the psychological and technical background about what human communication really is. How nearly everybody tries the same system of persuasion and nearly always fails due to its inherent confrontational nature. How you can flip the switch inside your own mind, and learn the truth about how to get them salivating to do whatever you want, all the while thinking it was their idea.

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Film Editing Pro – The Art of Trailer Editing Pro Ultimate Download 2024
Free Download Film Editing Pro – The Art of Trailer Editing Pro Ultimate Download File Links

What is The Art of Trailer Editing?

  • An online video training course that will teach you how to edit trailers & promos in all genres – comedy, action, suspense & drama.

  • Learn trailer-specific editing techniques used only in this unique style of cutting. These are very different from those used in other forms of editing.

  • 40+ 1080p HD tutorials, plus raw HD practice footage with full audio splits and a 950+ piece library of premium trailer sound design & music.

.designed for anyone who needs to:
  • Promote a film
  • Drive sales and traffic
  • Market online content
  • Announce a product or event
  • Impress a distributor, studio or client

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Domont Consulting – Mergers and Acquisitions Toolkit Download 2024
Free Download Domont Consulting – Mergers and Acquisitions Toolkit Download File Links

This Toolkit includes frameworks, tools, templates, tutorials, real-life examples, best practices, and video training to help you:
  • Increase your M&A success rate with our 6-phase M&A approach: (I) Define your M&A strategy, (II) Identify target companies, (III) Build a business case and financial modeling, (IV) Conduct due diligence, (V) Execute transaction, (VI) Conduct post-merger integration
  • Define your M&A strategy: (1) Company mission, vision and values, (2) M&A strategic objectives and key performance indicators, (3) M&A team, (4) M&A guiding principles, (5) Target screening criteria
  • Identify target companies: (1) Potential target companies and data collection, (2) High-level assessment of potential target companies, (3) Shortlisted potential targets, (4) Financial statements analysis, (5) Business valuation: DCF model, comparable company analysis, and precedent transaction analysis, (6) Targets approved for the business case phase
  • Build a business case and an M&A financial model: (1) Strategic benefit, (2) Feasibility, (3) Financial benefit, (4) Comprehensive M&A financial model including acquirer model, target model, merger assumptions & analysis, and pro forma model, (5) Simple Financial model including integration cost, revenue synergy, cost synergy, NPV, ROI, and IRR, (6)Letter of intent or term sheet
  • Conduct due diligence(CDD) to identify the likely future performance of a company: (1) Work plan including key business case hypotheses and assumptions, (2) Due diligence to validate key hypotheses and assumptions, (3) Updated business valuation, (4) Recommendation to make (or not) a formal offer to acquire the target company
  • Execute transaction: (1) Deal structure, (2) M&A negotiations, (3) Signing and closing the M&A deal
  • Conduct successful post-merger integration to ensure the company reaches its cost and revenue synergy targets: (1) Post-merger integration strategy and high-level plan, (2) Post-merger integration detailed plans, (3) Implementation and monitoring

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